• 集合组件
    • 参考资料:



    为了避免完全给列表新建一个单独的组件, 我们可以使用以下这种写法.

    1. const SearchSuggestions = (props) => {
    2. // renderSearchSuggestion() behaves as a pseudo SearchSuggestion component
    3. // keep it self contained and it should be easy to extract later if needed
    4. const renderSearchSuggestion = listItem => (
    5. <li key={listItem.id}>{listItem.name} {listItem.id}</li>
    6. );
    7. return (
    8. <ul>
    9. {props.listItems.map(renderSearchSuggestion)}
    10. </ul>
    11. );
    12. };

    如果你想在更复杂的场景里面或者其他什么地方使用这个组件, 你能很轻松的复制这段代码到新的组件中. (不要过度设计组件)
    If things get more complex or you want to use this component elsewhere,
    you should be able to copy/paste the code out into a new component.
    Don’t prematurely componentize.


    • https://hackernoon.com/10-react-mini-patterns-c1da92f068c5