• Kubernetes Ingress with Cert-Manager
    • Before you begin
    • Configuring DNS name and gateway
    • Setting up a demo application
    • Getting a Let’s Encrypt certificate issued using cert-manager
    • Moving to production from staging
    • 相关内容

    Kubernetes Ingress with Cert-Manager

    This example demonstrates the use of Istio as a secure Kubernetes Ingress controller with TLS certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt. While more powerful Istio concepts such as gateway and virtual service should be used for advanced traffic management, optional support of the Kubernetes Ingress is also available and can be used to simplify integration of legacy and third-party solutions into a service mesh and benefit from extensive telemetry and tracing capabilities that Istio provides.

    You will start with a clean Istio installation, create an example service, expose it using the Kubernetes Ingress resource and get it secured by instructing cert-manager (bundled with Istio) to manage issuance and renewal of TLS certificates that will be further delivered to the Istio ingress gateway and hot-swapped as necessary via the means of Secrets Discovery Service (SDS).

    Before you begin

    • Install Istio making sure to enable ingress gateway with Kubernetes Ingress support, SDS. Here’s an example of how to do it:
    1. $ istioctl manifest apply \
    2. --set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.sds.enabled=true \
    3. --set values.global.k8sIngress.enabled=true \
    4. --set values.global.k8sIngress.enableHttps=true \
    5. --set values.global.k8sIngress.gatewayName=ingressgateway

    By default istio-ingressgateway will be exposed as a LoadBalancer service type. You may want to change that by setting the gateways.istio-ingressgateway.type installation option to NodePort if this is more applicable to your Kubernetes environment.

    • Install cert-manager to manage certificates automatically.

    Configuring DNS name and gateway

    Take a note of the external IP address of the istio-ingressgateway service:

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway

    Configure your DNS zone so that the domain you’d like to use for this example is resolving to the external IP address of istio-ingressgateway service that you’ve captured in the previous step. You will need a real domain name for this example in order to get a TLS certificate issued. Let’s store the configured domain name into an environment variable for further use:

    1. $ INGRESS_DOMAIN=mysubdomain.mydomain.edu

    Your Istio installation contains an automatically generated gateway resource configured to serve the routes defined by the Kubernetes Ingress resources. By default it does not use SDS, so you need to modify it in order to enable the delivery of the TLS certificates to the istio-ingressgateway via SDS:

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system edit gateway

    …and modify the tls section corresponding to the https-default port as follows:

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system \
    2. patch gateway istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress --type=json \
    3. -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/servers/1/tls", "value": {"credentialName": "ingress-cert", "mode": "SIMPLE", "privateKey": "sds", "serverCertificate": "sds"}}]'

    Now it’s time to setup a demo application.

    Setting up a demo application

    You will be using a simple helloworld application for this example. The following command will spin up the Deployment and Service for the demo application and expose the service using an Ingress resource that will be handled by istio-ingressgateway.

    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: v1
    3. kind: Service
    4. metadata:
    5. name: helloworld
    6. labels:
    7. app: helloworld
    8. spec:
    9. ports:
    10. - port: 5000
    11. name: http
    12. selector:
    13. app: helloworld
    14. ---
    15. apiVersion: apps/v1
    16. kind: Deployment
    17. metadata:
    18. name: helloworld
    19. spec:
    20. template:
    21. metadata:
    22. labels:
    23. app: helloworld
    24. spec:
    25. containers:
    26. - name: helloworld
    27. image: istio/examples-helloworld-v1
    28. resources:
    29. requests:
    30. cpu: "100m"
    31. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    32. ports:
    33. - containerPort: 5000
    34. ---
    35. apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
    36. kind: Ingress
    37. metadata:
    38. annotations:
    39. kubernetes.io/ingress.class: istio
    40. name: helloworld-ingress
    41. spec:
    42. rules:
    43. - host: "$INGRESS_DOMAIN"
    44. http:
    45. paths:
    46. - path: /hello
    47. backend:
    48. serviceName: helloworld
    49. servicePort: 5000
    50. ---
    51. EOF

    Notice use of the INGRESS_DOMAIN variable you defined earlier

    Now you should be able to access your demo application via HTTP:

    1. $ curl http://$INGRESS_DOMAIN/hello
    2. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-5d498979b6-jp2mf

    HTTPS access still won’t work as you don’t have any TLS certificates. Let’s fix that.

    Getting a Let’s Encrypt certificate issued using cert-manager

    At this point your Istio installation should have cert-manager up and running with two ClusterIssuer resources configured (for production and staging ACME-endpoints provided by Let’s Encrypt). You will be using staging endpoint for this example (feel free to try swapping letsencrypt-staging for letsencrypt to get a browser-trusted certificate issued).

    In order to have a certificate issued and managed by cert-manager you need to create a Certificate resource:

    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    3. kind: Certificate
    4. metadata:
    5. name: ingress-cert
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. secretName: ingress-cert
    9. issuerRef:
    10. name: letsencrypt-staging
    11. kind: ClusterIssuer
    12. commonName: $INGRESS_DOMAIN
    13. dnsNames:
    15. acme:
    16. config:
    17. - http01:
    18. ingressClass: istio
    19. domains:
    21. ---
    22. EOF

    Notice that the secretName matches the credentialName attribute value that you previously used while configuring the gateway resource. The Certificate resource will be processed by cert-manager and a new certificate will eventually be issued. Consult the status of the Certificate resource to check the progress:

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system describe certificate ingress-cert
    2. -> status should eventually flip to 'Certificate issued successfully'

    At this point the service should become available over HTTPS as well:

    1. $ curl --insecure https://$INGRESS_DOMAIN/hello
    2. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-5d498979b6-jp2mf

    Note that you have to use the —insecure flag as certificates issued by the “staging” ACME-endpoints aren’t trusted.

    Moving to production from staging

    Now to switch to the production letsencrypt issuer. First we’ll reapply the certificate.

    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    3. kind: Certificate
    4. metadata:
    5. name: ingress-cert
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. secretName: ingress-cert
    9. issuerRef:
    10. name: letsencrypt
    11. kind: ClusterIssuer
    12. commonName: $INGRESS_DOMAIN
    13. dnsNames:
    15. acme:
    16. config:
    17. - http01:
    18. ingressClass: istio
    19. domains:
    21. ---
    22. EOF
    1. certificate.certmanager.k8s.io/ingress-cert configured

    Now delete the secret to force cert-manager to request a new certificate from the production issuer:

    1. $ kubectl delete secret -n istio-system ingress-cert

    And watch that cert for a successful issuance:

    1. $ watch -n1 kubectl describe cert ingress-cert -n istio-system

    you should see something like:

    1. Normal CertIssued 13m cert-manager Certificate issued successfully


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